Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Journey Home...Pit Stop: New Zealand

Leaving Australia is so much harder than I expected it to be. I never imagined that I could feel as though I belong in more than one place, and yet I do. I love California; I have talked about it constantly since I left. But now I love Australia too. I am sitting in the Auckland Airport at the moment and as excited as I am to see my family, eat Mexican food till I burst, play with my dog, and catch up with all my friends…I can’t help thinking that it won’t be all that long until I go back. Hard as I tried I couldn’t do absolutely everything that I wanted to, and I think that secretly made me glad because it gives me a great excuse to go back.

            I tend to get very attached not only to certain places but also to people. And this experience has been no exception. Saying goodbye this morning to my two best Aussie friends was miserable. It didn’t help that we had to get up at the butt crack of dawn and that I had to do some last minute semi-stressful luggage juggling. But it would have been hard anyway. The cool thing is that I know that I have made some life-long friends; the only downside is that some of them live half way around the world. Yet another good reason that I have to go back right?!

            I have decided that traveling involves a stupid amount of sitting. To get to the airport you sit in a car, or a train or sometimes a bus. Once you’ve checked in and dodged security, you sit and wait to board. Then you board the plane and obviously sit until you land. Time for a layover…surprise! You most likely sit some more. Because unless you have a travel companion (or 11), it is too much of a hassle to walk around with all your carry-on baggage, unless maybe you plan better than I do and don’t have much carry-on baggage. And on it goes. Sitting, sitting, sitting. Have I mentioned how much I dislike sitting? I think that Ben was on to something when he used the flat escalator-ish walkways as a treadmill. In fact, I think that all airports should have treadmills. I bet everyone would be a lot less cranky about traveling if they didn’t have to sit so much. Just saying…

As silly as I feel for being so sad to leave, I would much rather feel silly and sad than not. It tells me that I truly enjoyed my experience. As my friend Courtney constantly reminds me, “it is better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all.” Turns out this applies to places and friends, not just to a significant other. But the truth is I haven’t really lost anything and I have gained more than I can explain. So yep, I’ll take a little sadness, It just reminds me how good everything really was and gives me something to look forward to for the next time I see my friends and return to Oz.  In the meantime, Merry Christmas or Hanukkah or whatever it is you celebrate! See you soon, I’m off to defy the traveling odds and walk around in spite of my excessive carry-on baggage.

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