Sunday, December 25, 2011


If I were to be a businesswoman and want to live in a city, Brisbane would be a really nice place to live. There were lots of people in suits and nice clothes roaming about and a coffee shop on every other corner. As a tourist however, it was a difficult place to hang out. There was not a whole lot that was terribly exciting for exploration purposes. It also didn’t help that it was raining non-stop while we were there. 

            By this point Miles and Scott had both left and it was just Sonya and me. We set out on the walking tour of the city thinking that it would take most of the day. We rode the free bus all the way around its loop once just to see where it went. This only took about 15 minutes. We saw Anzac square, walked down by the river, and cruised through the botanic gardens. Unfortunately, what we had thought would be an all day city sight-seeing tour only took about an hour and a half. So we found a mall and a grocery store where we could get some lunch. Since it was Thanksgiving at home we had chicken, veggies and tater tots instead of PB&J.
After lunch we walked around a bit more and shopped a teeny bit (couldn’t shop much because we had limited back pack space and funds). To take up some time we went a saw the movie Immortals too. It was made by the same people as 300, so there were really good looking guys with lots of muscles and a lot of blood and guts. Perfect for a rainy day!  That night we dined on top ramen and hung out at the hostel. Definitely not one of the more exciting places we visited. 

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