Sunday, September 18, 2011

Blackmores Half Marathon

At the starting line

 This morning I woke up at the buttcrack of dawn and ran in the Blackmores Half Marathon in Sydney. It was so cool! We ran across the Harbour Bridge, through the Botanical Gardens, through the Rocks, and finished at the steps of the Opera House. I ran it with two of my guy friends from Campus East, they both beat me, but we all were able to run the whole thing so it was a success! My friend Daniel (red shirt) ran at a slower pace with me for most of it because he has had some knee troubles recently and we had a great time singing and taking pictures...oh yeah, and running too. Unfortunately, my tendonitis in my knee came back towards the body is always up to something.

The event was huge, there were 7,000 people running in the half marathon alone, and there was also a full marathon, a bridge run, and a family fun run. I believe there were around 35,000 people participating in all. The whole city seemed to revolve around it for a day. Streets were shut down all over and a lot of the buses stopped their routes for the morning. We did get some perks for participating, public transportation was free for the day and they loaded us up with goodie bags in the recovery area after we finished. All in all I am really glad I did it!

One more week of classes then we have mid-session break and I am off to New Zealand!  Yeehaw!!

Friday, September 9, 2011


 1. I like dinosaurs.
2. Saw these in a cool little store. Makes me want to bake some kick-ass cookies. (haha get it??!)
 3. My cousin, Hayley. See the family resemblance?
 4. Finally saw some Kangaroos! They were hanging out on the race track at Hanging Rock. Apparently, last year they had to stop a race because there were too many of them on the track.
 5. My new boyfriend.
 6. Ocean Grove...can never go to too many beaches. 
7. Never too old to play!